
Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Newish Old design! lol

Hey Guys! This is my New Design i made for club penguin! In this design it is a girl penguin wearing a club penguin sweatshirt modelled after my friends aeropostale sweatshirt. The glasses are a shaded green that match the sweatshirt. Im having trouble drawing shoes though, so no shoes for this one. If you know how to draw shoes on club penguin then email me at  

Ski Mountain done by Hannajean, Chrissiroos igloo

I made this a little while ago, but i forgot to post it, so here you go! This one was a ski mountain! It had a lodge and a ski shop included. There was also a skating rink in the right corner! It got really busy, and was possibly the slowest igloo EVER. Hope you like it! Comment and rate it below!! thankss!!

Welcome to Hannajeas Designs!!

This is the first post, so im just getting started. This blog is so people can comment on the website and follow it and stuff.. so i know some people are at least looking at it. This blog is also so you can see what i thought about decorating your igloo, or other penguins igloos. It gives you some heads ups on what im looking for. Hope to cya guys soon!