
Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Chat Background!

Well... I just wanted to tell you that i made once of my best chat backgrounds today. It's up on the chat on the bottom of this blog.. and I hope you like it! I really like this design because while I was making it... it made me remember all the good times I had with my chat and club penguin friends. I think i started Club Penguin around when I was turning 9 years old.. and now im turning 13 in November.. so Ive had many passes through friends that stuck with me.. and some that went their own ways. Cheroes, Samson, and Spongebob727 have been here since day 1.. and are still here today. This Chat background has pictures from most of our greatest memories, and have lists of the people that we need to remember. It reminds us that " Summer might be over.. but the memories always last.".

Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Story about " MY LIFE"

Well.. i decided to write a story about my " real" life.. so here it goes. My name is Hanna and im 13 years old. Im from Massachusetts and i grew up there my whole life. When i was a baby .. and up into kindergarten i lived in Franklin Massachusetts with my parents and my twin sister. We had a neighbour named katy .. and a old women who had a small apple orchard in her front yard. When i was going into my 2nd year of kindergarten ( i didn't make the age cut for 1st grade)  i moved to another town in Massachusetts ( i still live there ) and went to public school for one year. From 1st grade through 6th grade i went to private school called The Academy of Notre Dame and didn't make much friends because people were all about " if you were rich or not" and not about if you were nice or not. So this year for 7th grade.. im going to my town's public school and i will hopefully make some new friends .. even though i still stayed in contact with A LOT of people from kindergarten. Im going to take a few art classes and hopefully get into a good high school in 2 years. I like to design graphics and i ESPECIALLY LOVE TO DESIGN CLOTHES. I love to sew and create things.. I have nothing really else to tell you so BYE :).


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wow... HUGE change in plans :)

Nantucket Island MapWell, as some of you know.. my party was going to be tommorow, but then i changed the plans to wednesday. Of course, everytime I plan something, my mom happens to plan something huge on the exact same day ( If you have known me since last summer.. of course you remember how many times i re-scheduled the prom). But, I have no problem with these changes because ever since my sister left, my mom has been being wicked awesome and letting me get anything I want as long as I do some stuff that she wants to do, and keep a good attitude. So, one of these spontaneous desires were when I was watching Tv.. and my mom

Nantucket, Massachusetts, United States, North America: Straight Wharf in Nantucket Town is a main point of entry for arriving boatswas on Facebook. She saw a picture of Nantucket Island, and said " Wow! wouldn't it be nice if we could go their for a day trip". Of course, when my sister is home.. all of these things are impossible because trips with my sister are a huge pain in the butt because she always begs to take friends and complains when she doesn't get what she wants.  But, since my sister is off to camp for the next week.. my dad said it would be 100% possible. 
     So after that planning for our " day trip".. we ended up booking a hotel for 2 nights LOL.. one long " day trip" don't ya think?We are going to take a boat ride around the cape tomorrow, go to Nantucket on Tuesday ( we have to take a boat ride their and back ), and we might go to the beach again on Tuesday.  And the funny thing is.. she said all of this today.. and we are going tomorrow LOL! So good thing i cancelled the party in advance lol! I feel really lucky because when I was at camp.. my sister stayed at home for both weeks ( I went for 2 weeks ). I was going to go to the beach on Tuesday, just because it was nice weather.. but we were going to go to some beach that was close to our house.. and the beaches close to my house don't compare to the beaches of Nantucket Island! So once again, everything turned out to be okay.. and Im wicked happy :) Here are some pictures of the beaches on Nantucket.. Some of them are painted.. but it's still the same thing :).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pretty Cool Huh? :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Monday, July 19, 2010

Sorry Guys :(

Hey Guys! Well im back from camp, and I told some of you that I was trying my best to hold a middle of summer get together party.. The party was to celebrate a few things...

1. Finally get together with our whole group at once.
2. Thank Cheroes for letting me use her penguin
3. The Day i got my penguin Hannajean is coming up

The guest of honor was going to be cheroes.. becuz she is the best and nicest friend that we all missed in the Fall and Winter, and she was letting me use her penguin and I was able to make igloos for about 4 weeks.. until I went to camp. The day I went to camp, she told me I couldn't use her penguin anymore and that i broke ALL THE RULES, even though she told me there was only 1 rule, and it was that I couldn't delete anyone from her buddy list. Two days after I got back from camp, on her blog she listed a lot of rules ( that she never mentioned until then ), and said i broke a lot of them, so she banned me from using her penguin, even though i accidentaly broke the one rule she told me, which was deleting one of her buddy's. The person i deleted was calling her penguin ( me at the moment ) a cheater, because she thought i was using some cheat that made my igloo look good ( which clearly makes no sense) so i deleted her, thinking cheroes wouldn't mind because she truley didn't want to be her buddy in the first place. But, the TRUE reason why i deleted this penguin was because i got overwhelmed that Scdawg ( one of my old friends, that i have not seen in forever) was there, and she wasn't cheroe's buddy yet, so I was trying to compromise on what to do, so i deleted the other penguin for someone who truley wanted to be her friend. :)

So.. the party is canceled until futher notice

- Hannajean

- Hannajean

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bye for 2 weeks!!, It's that time of year again. I'm going to my usual camp, Camp Middlesex in Ashby Massachusetts, and i have to leave you guys for 2 weeks. I'm leaving this Sunday ( 4t of  July ) and won't be back until the 16th ( of July ).. and im going to miss u guys so much! I can't wait until i leave though. Every time i leave my camp, the minute i get home i star planning my next years trip, and It's something i look forward too ALL YEAR LONG. It's the funnest camp ever, and ill be able to see some of my best friends that i only get to see every summer!I'll be on sometime this week between Wednesday and Saturday. But saturday night im packing.. and same with sunday mornin.. so cyaa guys!

P.S : Im not in any of these photos, but these are pictures from my camp, and that cabin at the top is my cabin that i took a picture of.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cya later guys! Heading to Boston :D

Well on Wednesday ( tomorrow ) I am leaving for Boston, and i am staying until Thursday! We are staying at a hotel on the dock, and I am really exited! We will probably do a lot of shopping and stuff, which is wicked fun lol .. and we might see some Broadway show if we have time!

- Hannajean

Friday, June 18, 2010


 Well, my mom was looking at her 
facebook today, and she was going through a few of her friend requests and she bumped into one that said Eddie De La Garza .. she remembered that she went to high school with him, and his brother back in Texas. After she added him, she went through his photos and his statuses. Under his children status, it said Maddison De La Garza, and Demi Lovato. She was shocked, but then after looking through all the photos of the family together, she realized her old high school friend was Demi Lavato's step dad!! Maddison De La Garza is Demi's little step-sister that appears in some of Demi's movies, including "Princess Protection Program". Isn't that pretty cool?!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17th Update

Well I'm on a plane heading to Britain to visit my great aunt who i haven't seen since i was like 2... so most of my day ill be doing that... Right now im on the plane.. but soon i will gtg cuz when we are coming close to a land i have to turn off all my electronics... unfortunately.. So i probably wont be on for the rest of the day... maybe like in the middle of the night ill get up becuz all the adults are going out and leaving me at my great aunts house....  they want me to meet the neighbors too!... apparently there are some people my age tht live their! cant wait!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My friend rachie is having a party! Here are the details!!:

The Blog has been changed back to normal! :)

Well, I changed the background back to the old one, which I personally like better. I made the website to match the background, so this one goes better with it lol. So enough about that, let me tell you what im doing this week ( P.S i am already out of school) 

  •  Going swimming later today ( Sunday )
  •  Monday, I am going to my new school ( I went to private school before) and I get a tour from the guidance counsler, and i get to learn where everything is lol. ( That might be helpful ) lol
So yeah thats really it that we have planned! Kimmy ( my neighbor ) Might come over a lot.. :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cheroes is Back!

Well you all know that Cheroes ( A part of my circle of friends before I was banned forever) is back, so I decided to tell you that SHE MADE A NEW BLOG! Its awesome , and I want EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU TO GO TO IT!! Here's the link!....