
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cya later guys! Heading to Boston :D

Well on Wednesday ( tomorrow ) I am leaving for Boston, and i am staying until Thursday! We are staying at a hotel on the dock, and I am really exited! We will probably do a lot of shopping and stuff, which is wicked fun lol .. and we might see some Broadway show if we have time!

- Hannajean

2 Comments/ Replys:

Rachie said...

at 10pm uk time im going to Bulgaria for my "summer holidays" i think Americans call it vacation..
I will have my itouch and we bring a laptop over there so i could keep in touch with you :D
In hanf an hour i will be going to school but we dont have classes today as my year are going up the mountians

Hannajeancp said...

cool! well hope you had fun with that rachiee!! It's 9:40 am here and im planning to leave around 11:00 am.. but i cant bring my labtop. Ill be back on thursday afternoon lol