
Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am God.. chapter 1

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"
Out of the darkness ,God made this beautiful world.
He made night and day,
He seperated sky and Earth, land and sea,
And when the world was formed,
God created the living creatures on it.

  I think of God as an artist. Creatively thinking, and making anything he wanted. God was my inspiration. He led me to believe that I could create anything that I desired. I was an artist as well. I dreamed of being God, creating my own world. But when I woke up, the whole world wasn't mine. I can only express that through what I am able to create. Creativity is not something you can learn, it is a skill and desire. I didn't know what I wanted to be until somebody told me that I held a gift. Artist's don't just decide to become artists, they know that they have wanted this all their life.
                       Chapter 1
A screeching yell out of the formless darkness woke me up. I was still laying on the living room sofa, with the T.V flashing bright colors at my eyes. I turned off the T.V, expecting me to instantly fall back asleep. My body wanted me to stay awake, But I didn't know why. More flashing colors blinked from the corner of my eyes. I turned around, thinking the T.V had turned back on. It was still off. I became paranoid, so I decided to stay awake a little longer. I listened carefully to the noises inside the empty house. My parent's were out again, but I don't exactly know where they went. The blue and red flashing colors came back through the window. I opened the curtains, and saw four police cars lines up on the edge of the apartment side walk.
I ran to the door, and turned on the lights. I ran into the apartment hallway, and took the stairs down to the bottom floor. I shoved open the door and entered a blast of coldness from the outside. Once I was able to see in the darkness, I realized I went through the wrong door. I was in the garage. The rain echoed outside, sending chills down my whole body. My parent's car was still gone. Suddenly I turned around. Footsteps filled the room, and suddenly, it all went black. I couldn't see anything.

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